After nearly two years in rehabilitation and multiple surgeries, it’s easy to imagine a worker giving up on the chance of a normal working life. But, due to the persistence and support of the PeopleIN Return to Work team, last month the unlikely became reality!
Cara Zaremski is PeopleIN’s Workplace Rehabilitation Manager and says the greatest rewards for her team come when they’re able to help someone return from injury to support themselves, their family and regain the self-worth they had before.
“It’s more than simply being able to work again,” Cara said.
"Supporting them through physical rehabilitation is part of what we do but psychological support is just as important. I can’t overstate how important it for people to be able to return to their day-to-day lives"
Cara said the case of the employee who had been unable to work for close to two years was challenging but her team worked with him to find a way for him to recommence his career.
“Employing people through our labour hire businesses adds extra complexity as, after an injury, they’re often unable to return to their past host employer on lighter duties,” she said.
“Being told you can’t return to where you worked before can be hard to hear so we move the conversation to mental preparation and resilience while we look for an alternate workplace.
“In this case Joel Kass, Manager Health and Safety for our Techforce business, worked incredibly hard to find a solution and achieved a great outcome.
“The employee has begun work at a new workplace, in a new role where he is actually earning more than was before his injury!.”
“He has a sense of purpose restored, which reflects well on us, on the business where he now works, and our workers compensation insurer is also pleased with the outcome.”
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